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Zu Tisch @ Kulturmuseum Bern

December 2024

Vernissage 05.12.2024

Exhibition: 05.-21.12.2024, Do, Fr, Sa, 18-21:00 Uhr

Info PDF

Mare @ Schloss Schadau, Thun

October 2024 - January 2025

Vernissage: 17.10.2024
Saalöffnung ab 17:00 Uhr
Speech: 18:30 Uhr

Anschliessend Apéro Riche bis 21:00 Uhr


bitte anmelden für das Apéro:

Intimacy & Identity Selecions @ luci fuori: Event II Zurich, Auer & Co.

February 24, 2024

Intimacy & Identity / Selected Artwork / Group Show @ The Dirty Show / Detroit / USA

February 9, 10, 16 & 17, 2024

For over a decade, the Dirty Show® has proudly stood as one of the world's most prominent and influential showcases of erotic art. Each year, this exhibition unveils a myriad of exceptional erotic artworks, spanning various mediums and sourced from artists worldwide. This event has evolved into a fully immersive experience, featuring world-class performance artists gracing both the stage and the eager audience.

Drawing an eclectic and avant-garde crowd, the Dirty Show® has captured the hearts of both Detroit locals and visitors, with its annual attendance consistently surging into the thousands. As it now commemorates its 24th year, this exhibition persists in pushing the boundaries of artistic expression, continuing to serve as a guiding light for established and emerging artists hailing from all corners of the globe.


Nudes 21-23 / Preview Intimacy & Identity @ Edi's Weinstube Zürich (MoPiA)

December 2023 -
February 2024

Vernissage: Do 14.12.2023, 20:00 – 24:00, Stüssihofstatt 14, 8001 Zürich

Öffnungszeiten: Mo - So 14:00 – 02:00

Stüssihofstatt 14, 8001 Zürich

Schwarze Berge @ Kulturmuseum Bern

March 2023

Vernissage & Speech: Do 02.03.2023, 18:00 – 21:00, Schützenweg 22

Sprecherin: Myriam Roth, Co-Präsidentin, Verein Klimaschutz Schweiz

Finissage: SA 01.04.2023, 18:00 – 21:00

Öffnungszeiten: Do / Fr / Sa 14:00 – 18:00

Schützenweg 22, 3014 Bern


Kunst zur Klimakrise in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verein Klimaschutz Schweiz.


«Wenn kein Alpenfirn sich rötet, betet freie Schweizer betet»*. Giuliano Amedeo Tosi macht mit der Kunstinstallation «Schwarze Berge» die bedenkliche Klimasituation unserer Bundesstadt und der Welt sichtbar. Mit der ausbleibenden Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze führt unser Schwimmkanal, die Aare, im Sommer immer weniger Wasser. Wir Stadtkinder werden uns blutige Knie holen.


Tosi erreichte mit seinem Performance Kunstwerk «Frauendrucker» mediale Aufmerksamkeit. Ausstellungen in der Schweiz, Nepal, den Emiraten und Italien folgten. Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen und Fragen sind Ausgangspunkte seiner eindrücklichen Konzeptkunst.


Anlässlich der Vernissage spricht Myriam Roth, Co-Präsidentin des Vereins Klimaschutz Schweiz, einleitende Worte. Mit dem Erwerb der Malereien, unterstützen Sie das grösste Projekt des Vereins, die Gletscher-Initiative. Willkommen im Kulturmuseum Bern, 565 Meter über Meer. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Impressioni Piemontesi & Opere Selezionate @ Piazza Statuto 29, Asti

July 2022

La mostra nasce dalle esperienze vissute dall'Artista negli ultimi mesi, periodo in cui ha deciso di lasciare il suo paese natio, la Svizzera, per trascorrere del tempo nella natura e nella tranquillità delle Colline Piemontesi alla ricerca di nuove ispirazioni. L’esposizione comprende una serie composta da 21 piccoli dipinti ad olio dove l’artista racconta paesaggi, architetture, persone, impressioni e sentimenti vissuti durante la permanenza in Italia. Troviamo inoltre esposte opere precedenti risalenti a studi anatomici e rappresentazioni figurative.


Frauendrucker @ Hofkunsthaus

June 2021

Presentation of the Performace artwork Frauendrucker in the gallery Hofkunthaus in Zurich.



Frauendrucker @ Halle550

May 2021

Presentation of the Performace artwork Frauendrucker at Halle550 in Zurich.




Artbox.Project World 1.0 @ Artbox Gallery 

04 January -

31st March 2021

Digital exhibition at the Arbox.Galerie in Zurich. Presentation of the artwork "L'ìle des dames fatiguées" on Worldwide art competition.


More Information:

The Virtually Nude Show @ Nepalian Art

20 Dec. 2020 -

31st January 2021

The Virtually Nude Show, is an online exhibition that has been conceptualized by Nepali proclaimed nude artist Kapil Mani Dixit. The idea of this online exhibition is to bring nude artists from all around the world and display their work in one domain. At the time of COVID, there are many artist looking to display their work online and specially for the nude artists it always gets difficult to find a suitable platform to display their work, therefore this group exhibition would give them an opportunity to reach their right audience.


I was selected by the curators to participate in the online exhibition. I am one of 50 artists presented in Nepal.


More Info:

X-Ray Examination Installation @ Sihlhalle Zürich

16 October -

20 November 2020

For my work X-Ray Examination I was privileged to create an installation for "the smallest gallery in the world". The artwork will be exhibited for one month directly in Langstrasse Zurich. The vernissage will take place on 16 October from 20:00 pm. I am looking forward to your visit!
More information about the gallery:

Emirates Art Connection @ Art Hub Al Khateem Abu Dhabi dal

13 - 17th

October 2020

Emirates Art Connection is aimed at promoting and enhancing the international contemporary artistic heritage and identifying talented artists. It is a twofold exhibition that aims to connect the art and culture of artists from all over the world and in particular with Italian and international artists and takes place in two of the seven Emirates.


I am one of 50 selected artists for these exhibitions and I am very honored to be part of it!


Fotos of the show:

Emirates Art Connection @ Al Fahidi, Villa 17. | Akaas Visual Artists Group | Dubai

19 - 24th

October 2020

This event is organized by ArtetrA and the Princegroup and is the second part of the Emirates Art Connection exhibition. 


Fotos of the show:


Swissartexpo @ SBB Eventhall Zürich Main Station

20 - 24th

August 2020

I will take part to the 2020th edition of Swissartexpo, for more information visit

Panoramic Experience Gallery


I won a virtual showroom to display three of my works in an online competition. (@liquidethos)
Visit this website to have a look at the gallery: 

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